• August 11, 2021

What is Intersex? What About Medical Intervention


What is intersex? This is a question often asked by doctors and sexologists. Intersex patients are people born with any combination of multiple variations in sex characteristics, such as genitals, gonads, or sex hormones, which, according to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, "just don't fit into the usual definitions of male or female anatomy." In most cases, intersex patients are born with an ambiguous gender.


It can be caused by genital organs other than the same sex. For example, men who have undergone testicular surgery may sometimes have a small amount of male sperm in their semen. And men born with a penis that looks very feminine can also produce small amounts of male sperm. In adulthood, such men may suffer from a small penis size. In such cases, doctors may recommend a penis enlargement spray https://www.sa-mp.in.th/hugex/.


Some intersex patients have physical abnormalities in the gonads


These patients may have an enlarged uterus, resulting in irregularly shaped babies. A female child may also have a developmental defect that causes the child to have too many internal organs visible. Or, a baby born with a penis-shaped vagina may have trouble giving birth.


Because intersex children are often diagnosed with undetermined gender, they are often raised with the wrong gender. For example, if they are male and male, they will often be raised by men. When intersex babies are born female and have female genitals, they are often raised by women. Or, in rare cases, intersex babies may even be raised by a woman and a man.


When both male and female intersex babies are born, they can be born with a mixed gender and many different gender traits. And their biological parents may have mixed sex characteristics and a number of other sex characteristics.


These gender characteristics of intersex patients do not necessarily mean that the patient has a sexuality problem. Some patients may need surgery just to correct an anatomical problem, while others may simply need a life of happiness and fulfillment.


The best thing about having intersex children is that it is usually an easy case to understand and diagnose. In fact, most cases go away on their own and do not require any special care.



However, it is possible that the condition may require medical intervention, depending on the individual. This is especially true if the condition is very persistent and does not improve when the baby grows up. Also, in some cases it may need a more complex diagnosis from a medical doctor.


As we've discussed previously, it's extremely rare for intersex babies to be born without any problems. Most intersex babies will be born with congenital defects such as ambiguous sex or genital anomalies. They are often diagnosed with intersex conditions after surgery to correct the congenital defects.


As you can see, intersex babies often have problems that can be corrected with medical interventions. And there are many medical interventions for intersex conditions.


What many parents think of medical intervention when they think of medical intervention is not necessarily necessary. They are concerned that the intervention will change the sex of their baby. Or that it will make their child a sex not like their own.


This is very common for some parents who believe that the intervention might be a change for their child's gender but the intervention is not actually a change for them. And it could be true of some cases.




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